Hello to you all,
This school
year has come to a close making this my last blog. To those who have read this,
I hope you have been able to relate and feel more confident about getting
through this year. My year has been nothing but uphills and downhills. I know I
have grown greatly from my sophomore year when it comes to my social and
academic life. As I have gotten older, I have also discovered my resilience,
and I have plenty of that. I made it to the point where I forgot to touch into
my emotions and accept my own vulnerability. I have learned to balance it all
this year making me not just more in touch with myself but others, too.

what have I experienced this past month? I have been pledging this whole
semester and I finally crossed! I am now in Alpha Phi Gamma which is part of
the Multicultural Greek Council. Boy, let me tell you! All I see is diversity. I
have always been a minority, but once I stepped into the end of the year
barbecue, I found all of the diversity in the whole school. I really enjoy it. I
feel more cultured and have so much to learn from everyone! At times it feels
cliquey like the sororities are against each other, but I am not about to
restrict myself. I want to meet everyone and learn from them as much as I can. It
is a very different lifestyle being part of a group full of estrogen. I
normally have more guy friends than friends who are girls, so it feels
different to have them all to fall back on. It feels great, though. I have
never had to work so hard for something.

In a few
weeks I am off to Nicaragua with my fellow Puksta Scholars. We are doing our
service trip after having successfully raise $2000 each. After that, my summer
will be pretty flexible with commutes back and forth to my hometown. I’ll blink
and then I’ll be abroad on a ship for Semester at Sea.
My point
being, time has flown. It felt so slow, but went by so quickly. Do your best to
embrace these last moments of school and friends. Things will keep changing and
keeping up can be difficult but it is not impossible. You all will do great on
your finals and even better in life. Cheers to a great year, great summer, and
successful following year.
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