Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hello all!

            My name is Chand and I am extremely fortunate to be one of your handy dandy bloggers. I am a Communication Studies Major and am currently involved in Key Plus, Triunfo (tutoring/volunteer organization) and I am a Puksta Scholar. Born in Pakistan, I am lucky to have a wonderful, large family to give me many opportunities. I do not enjoy longs walk on the beach because they hurt my weak ankles. Anyways, that is just a little about me, but now for the good stuff!

This second year has been a blur. From moving into a new apartment the Wednesday before school started, to typing this blog, nothing has gone slowly. Easing into to the second-year life consisted of many trips to King Soopers, amongst other errands. I moved in thinking that it would take maybe three days total to get all settled in. Well, let me tell you: I lied. I am still easing in. Moving into the apartment was not even half of it. Easing into off-campus life, making my own meals, managing my time, and still trying to be social are all factors that I am still adjusting to.

            In general, what is sophomore year like so far? It is a combination of lack of sleep (that I definitely brought upon myself because I cannot stop talking to people), constantly buying something more for the apartment, being placed on the shoulders of someone at the Macklemore concert (and discovering that he had three dancers the whole time) and thinking deeply about my freshman year. Oh yeah, and academics, of course.

            Oh dear academics. I went from taking four legitimate classes, last year, to six. That in itself is a college shock, but doing extra-curriculars on top of that is what tipped the scale. Now, when I say that, I certainly do not mean for the worse. It just tipped the balance scale in a different direction than I first was anticipating.

Into my second week of school, I have realized that time management is much more prevalent. I always tell people that I make time. So, my plan is to do just that; and not just for my consistent dates with Netflix or the set of Friends DVDs that I have right next to my desk (although that may be what I do most of with my spare time).

The other day, I walked around campus and saw the freshmen with their proxy keys dangling from their lanyards. I thought, “wow did I look that young?!” Most definitely. I’m sure I looked that “new” as well. As I subtly age, I realized how easy it is to identify other’s ages, too. They are wide-eyed and wondrous. Just seeing those youngsters walking around reminded me of how much I transformed and matured throughout last year.

Anyways, I digress. College is great. Already, my sophomore year is better than my freshmen year. It just shows that as of right now, things will only continue to improve. Things will change, too. I have to keep reminding myself that I am only in my second year. People will change and all I can do is my thing and hope others support that. So far, so good, so different, SO EXCITED.

            With love,
                   A new sophomore who knows she already spread herself too thin this semester
--- Chand

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