Thursday, December 12, 2013

To you hopefully non-slumping sophomores,

You all are almost there! Well, through the first semester at least. I hope the Thanksgiving break treated you all wonderfully. I will say it was much needed. There is nothing like getting back in touch with your roots (in my case) and traveling to California. Sleep and comfort food, mainly Indian, preoccupied my break.

In this past month, I watched my grades increase (in the last week before break), lost every single intramural soccer game (but had an absolute blast), watched the Broncos lose in overtime to the Patriots (which I was happy about because I love that team), finished applying for a Semester at Sea, and cultured myself by watching an excessive amount of Netflix.

Back to the education aspect, I thought this meme completely expressed how we all feel about writing essays. I can sit for at least 30 minutes trying to figure out how to phrase something and failing fairly epically.

So far, I have managed to still meet new people every day, or almost every day, when I am on campus. I cannot fully decide if having Fall Break is a total tease, or like winter break a month early.

I know for a fact that November is just an odd month. For me, I start feeling the holiday spirit early and get the spirited bug of wanting to play carols on my Pandora radio station. I went home the other weekend to put up lights and this year I had to hammer new nails in to put some up in our background. Not only did we place them around the porch like shown in the picture, but we also put them on the railing by our hot tub. Here is my reasoning, although it may be cold and snowy, we will be hosting 32 relatives that are coming in for the holidays and New Year’s. CRAZY! I KNOW! I am convinced that I will become even browner than I already am! I may even be able to come back with an accent if I am lucky. Just kidding. I am beyond excited for this crazy reunion. My dad’s side of the family has 9 brothers and a single sister. She is a champ! Some of my uncles have kids, and their kids have kids even. Plus there is always the family-in-law which includes all of the wives’ families and whatnot. I am pretty confused about how I am related to most of them besides my first cousins. It is okay though, they are family! What could be better? It ought to be one darn good reunion. Out of the 32 relatives, 10 are kids so it is definitely my duty to make sure they still believe in Santa.

I have a theory about that guy! Maybe the North Pole does not actually exist, but I think that Santa’s helpers are our parents. They are the true elves and they help with putting out the gifts along with wrapping them while Santa focuses on the children who are more in need. I will continue to stick to that theory until proven 

Off the holiday chatter, there are wonderful volunteer opportunities like soup kitchens and food drives. I bought the kid I tutor a gift card so he can buy whatever he wants. I love the later months because they truly focus on being selfless.

I think, nowadays, we all need to be reminded that it does not hurt to give a little because it will pay off in the end. In the present, we are so focused on the future and constantly running our brains to get errands, homework, and other commitments done as soon as possible. Sometimes we forget to just sit and let life soak in. So, that is my task for you all. Take five minutes out of your day and think about this past month (November, that is). Think about what you all have accomplished and be proud of it. Even if this semester has not been what you were thinking, it does not mean it was not meant to work out the way it did. Do not forget that school is a learning experience and we grow each day from those experiences. I just hope that you all can express your goals with proper grammar and achieve them as well. I am sending you all good luck vibes for your finals and safe sparkles for your travels home.

Your blogger and friend,



Thursday, November 7, 2013

To the lovely sophomores of CSU,
            As I sit here in my apartment complex, I suffer a pining headache, a sore throat, and exhaustion. Sound familiar? If it does not then you are very lucky! Drink lots of orange juice, tea, or anything containing vitamin c! It all does wonders.
Anyways, it seems to be a mutual consensus that just halfway through October was about when we all were finally fully adjusted to the academic aspect of this year. Just in time for mid-terms. I spoke to multiple sophomores and they all said that they were finally easing into this year halfway through this past month. I know I can certainly say the same and it’s quite the relief. I figured out that all of my teachers thought to put the heavy load of the semester at the beginning. Normally that would have worked if they all had not done that. Oh the joys of college. Always keeping you on your toes! I still dislike most of my classes, but my motivation to do the work is back. I created my own motivation because it certainly was not about to spurt from the classroom.
This year the hardest thing for me has been discipline. I struggle to do my work in a timely fashion. I still get it done but not as thoroughly. Life is all about learning so sometime I will. Do not take that to heart, though, please don’t do what I am doing! You all are stronger than that! As you may learn, I do not take my own advice. This month has been filled with people having personal, friend, and relationship issues. I am fortunate enough to have people come to me when something is going on and then later I am scolded for not following my own advice. I’m convinced that is just a human thing to do. That’s my justification.
My family visited me a few weeks ago. We went to dinner and spent a lovely evening chatting about miscellaneous things in honor of celebrating my dad’s birthday. My mom was taking this picture so she’s not in the photo. From left to right it goes me, my dad, and my sister named Sitara.
This month, I really got to thinking about being “that person”. When we entered the restaurant, my mom immediately requested to be seated at a booth instead of sitting at the table that we were led to. I thought to myself, “oh no, we’re that family.” From then on, I thought of every scenario where being “that” something applied. There are those people who put hot sauce on everything, those who prefer to sleep instead of party, those who walk around in sandals when there is snow on the ground and many more. Do we humans categorize to give ourselves peace of mind or is there an alternative purpose? For me, I talk to random people too much whether it’s on random flights to different states or at social gatherings here in Fort Collins. I’m that girl. This is simply food for thought. What makes you that person? I have so many situations where I am that person. Just yesterday there was a man who pressed the cross button but proceeded to cross anyways and then the light turned red for nothing because he had already passed. Darn guy. Don’t be that guy. The scenarios are infinite of who can be what type of person.

In summary, I crafted myself a new earring holder from materials at Joanne’s, had some friend dates, went on a real date, and came to the conclusion that I am content with receiving more than two B’s by the end of this semester. I've admired beautiful sunsets from outside my apartment window and here is just one of the many.
The holiday season is fast approaching and I can say I’m that girl and I start playing holiday music before Thanksgiving is over. KOSI 101 becomes my go-to radio station and out comes the apple cider and chocolate chip cookies. I look forward to celebrating fall break in California with some relatives and then having many, 31 to be exact, celebrating Christmas at my house for winter break. The true question is: how many family members can you fit into a hot tub? Last time we had 10. As much as I would like to say that this semester has been slowly going by because of the sophomore slump, it truly has sped quickly. I cannot believe that October is over and finals are just around the corner. Cheers to you all for the hard work that you've put into this semester. It will pay off soon! I believe in all of you even if you don’t believe in yourselves. J You all are stuck with me until the end of the year so get used to my positivity.
Much love,


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Dearest sophomores,

                I hope this past month has treated you all well. I know sickness has been going around which really can kill the mojo. Not only that, but these floods have completely turned our beautiful state upside down. It completely breaks my heart and having seen it firsthand is simply shocking. I drove home the Saturday after the heavy rains hit and I ended up driving right into the storm. I was convinced that the apocalypse had begun. It was terrifying to drive through and the same storm struck me en route back to the Fort the following day. All I can say is my best to all Coloradoans, but especially those who were directly affected. I know in some way we all were, and I kind of get nervous seeing rain clouds for fear of another flood. I hope our beautiful state recovers quickly physically but more so emotionally.

                On a lighter note, we are over a month into school! How do you feel about that? I feel surprised that it has gone by so fast. People have said that college is gone within a blink of an eye and boy they weren’t kidding! I think as of right now, I have almost eased into my sophomore year. It took me a lot longer than anticipated, and is it just me or are the classes a LOT harder than last year?! With the rise in difficulty of academics there comes a greater expectation of oneself. Well, for me it does at least. I expected to be on top of my game, working out three times a week, having a great social life and being able to still do crafts or something on Sundays. Yeah… no. Although, I did do crafts this past Sunday and made a lovely headband as you can see.

                I went to this really awesome event the other day in the plaza of the rec center for Hispanic Heritage Month. There was a singer/guitar player entertaining while an artist danced and painted. It was very unique. I never know if I should simply feel honored to be able to see such talent or horrible about myself for lacking such talent. Either way, it was wonderful to see. I got to mingle with diverse folks and soak up some sweet Spanish music.

                As part of my Group Communication class, I must volunteer somewhere with a group of people and observe the dynamics that occur. Therefore, I went to Zach Elementary school to volunteer at their field day with a couple of my classmates! It was the longest three hours of my life. I completely forgot the fact that kids are always energized. In the blazing heat of the afternoon, I instructed them to run a seriously far distance for elementary school children. I kid you not (pun intended), it was probably a good quarter of a mile. Without complaining, they would book it all the way down and back before I would even say “go”! So good for them. They were a pleasant, three-hour reminder that I was not in shape and did not have constant energy. I will say that it was really wonderful to be around kids again, though. I forgot how sweet it was to just be around folks whose biggest worry was not being cut in line for the hamster ball race. It felt really good to be there and really helped clear my head up of worries. In the end, the longest three hours of my life were ones of much appreciation, reflection, and exhaustion.

My point being, take some time to do something out of your routine. I’m not a counselor, a doctor, or a guru, but I know that doing activities out of my routine help keep me level-headed. Spreading myself too thin is my specialty, but so is keeping my sanity. This year I know that will be huge. As a parting note, I hope October brings you beautiful fall leaves that uplift your hearts and grades. Also, I’m a big sucker for memes so I shall continually post ones that make me smile or chuckle.

Love always,
         Your sympathetic, stressed sophomore  --- Chand

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hello all!

            My name is Chand and I am extremely fortunate to be one of your handy dandy bloggers. I am a Communication Studies Major and am currently involved in Key Plus, Triunfo (tutoring/volunteer organization) and I am a Puksta Scholar. Born in Pakistan, I am lucky to have a wonderful, large family to give me many opportunities. I do not enjoy longs walk on the beach because they hurt my weak ankles. Anyways, that is just a little about me, but now for the good stuff!

This second year has been a blur. From moving into a new apartment the Wednesday before school started, to typing this blog, nothing has gone slowly. Easing into to the second-year life consisted of many trips to King Soopers, amongst other errands. I moved in thinking that it would take maybe three days total to get all settled in. Well, let me tell you: I lied. I am still easing in. Moving into the apartment was not even half of it. Easing into off-campus life, making my own meals, managing my time, and still trying to be social are all factors that I am still adjusting to.

            In general, what is sophomore year like so far? It is a combination of lack of sleep (that I definitely brought upon myself because I cannot stop talking to people), constantly buying something more for the apartment, being placed on the shoulders of someone at the Macklemore concert (and discovering that he had three dancers the whole time) and thinking deeply about my freshman year. Oh yeah, and academics, of course.

            Oh dear academics. I went from taking four legitimate classes, last year, to six. That in itself is a college shock, but doing extra-curriculars on top of that is what tipped the scale. Now, when I say that, I certainly do not mean for the worse. It just tipped the balance scale in a different direction than I first was anticipating.

Into my second week of school, I have realized that time management is much more prevalent. I always tell people that I make time. So, my plan is to do just that; and not just for my consistent dates with Netflix or the set of Friends DVDs that I have right next to my desk (although that may be what I do most of with my spare time).

The other day, I walked around campus and saw the freshmen with their proxy keys dangling from their lanyards. I thought, “wow did I look that young?!” Most definitely. I’m sure I looked that “new” as well. As I subtly age, I realized how easy it is to identify other’s ages, too. They are wide-eyed and wondrous. Just seeing those youngsters walking around reminded me of how much I transformed and matured throughout last year.

Anyways, I digress. College is great. Already, my sophomore year is better than my freshmen year. It just shows that as of right now, things will only continue to improve. Things will change, too. I have to keep reminding myself that I am only in my second year. People will change and all I can do is my thing and hope others support that. So far, so good, so different, SO EXCITED.

            With love,
                   A new sophomore who knows she already spread herself too thin this semester
--- Chand

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sophomore Connor 

I am a sophomore Health and Exercise Science student from Pennsylvania. Coming to Colorado State was one of the best decisions I've ever made, and I am enjoy every aspect of college, ups and downs.

Hey Everyone,

     Well it's almost time for everyone's favorite time of year, summer break. Unfortunately, before that we have the equally fun, finals! Honestly though, this year has flew by. It seemed like just yesterday I was moving into my house, and now my roommates are about to move out already! I'll be living in the house over the summer, thank goodness, because I was able to find a job in Fort Collins, so I don't have to go back to Pennsylvania. I love getting away from school as much as the next person, but I strongly encourage everyone and anyone to spend some time in Fort Collins over break, whether it be summer, winter, or spring break. The town has a completely different vibe when everyone leaves, it's.. peaceful.

     Anyways, looking back on my Sophomore year, I have to say that I'm happy it went down like it did, but I'm sad that it's over already. I know that Sophomore and Junior year aren't too drastically different, but it just means I'm one step closer to growing up. This year, I started paying rent, utility bills, grocery shopping, going to the library more, and just a lot of other stuff that responsible adults do. Weird, I know. 

     The best parts about my sophomore year are just being independent finally. I know the responsibility of all this new stuff is scary sometimes, but it feels fulfilling, like your parents would be proud. Corny, I know, but whatever. Living with my best friends everyday has been unreal. We procrastinate A LOT, but I also get motivated by them to get down to work when it really comes time to do so. So if you can, pick roommates that will push you to succeed. And if you're looking at your future roommates already and thinking that's not even a possibility, then first off, relax, because you are going to have a great time living with them, but secondly you can probably be the one to motivate them and let them know when it's time to get down to work.

     The most stressful parts of my Sophomore year are probably looking for a job, trying to sign up for classes that somehow fill up before you can blink, and I'm sure these finals coming up in two weeks won't be fun either. But if you are reading this USE THE RESOURCES CSU GIVES YOU. The career center is awesome for anyone looking to make some money, they have opportunities left and right and the helped me touch up my resume. Also, talking to an adviser always completely eradicates all of my stress about classes and my future and how I'm going to graduate. This is the stuff that your tuition goes towards, so get your money's worth. 

     For my Junior year at Colorado State, I'll be moving into my fraternity's house with 34 other dudes. Kind of a scary thought. But if all goes according to plan, then I'll be going to Australia for next Spring semester, and that will be an experience and a half. I'm excited with the position I've put myself in by keeping my grades up and bumping out 18 credits this semester. Hopefully Junior year will be even better than this year has been, but if it's even just as good then I'll be ecstatic. 

     Last words of advice: Don't go to riot parties or you will be tear gassed, Don't stress out if you have trouble getting into courses you need, Do use all the resources that CSU has to offer, and finally, Just have fun. You only have 4 or 5 or 6 years in college, make them count.


Friday, March 29, 2013

Sophomore Connor 

I am a sophomore Health and Exercise Science student from Pennsylvania. Coming to Colorado State was one of the best decisions I've ever made, and I am enjoy every aspect of college, ups and downs.

Hola Everyone,
      Hope you all had a great spring break. I know I did. I was able to go on a backpacking excursion in southern Utah for a week and it really recharged the old batteries. I was surprised to have such a good time without going to Vegas, or Havasu, or Mexico. Its good to know that if school is ever getting a little stressful, I can rely on good old fashioned nature to settle me down. Last year for spring break, I was snowboarding up in Aspen for free and staying at my brother's place, so this year was actually more expensive. It was well worth the money though. Don't be afraid to spend a little money on things like break, you only get a hand-full of opportunities to travel like this while you're in college.
      Academically, I was getting a little stressed in the week leading up to break, with all the last second tests and assignments that the professors were trying to sneak in before we left. I have to say its the best feeling getting done with that final test on Friday and just being done. Now that we're back to school, I'm definitely going to stay on top of my schoolwork and not get behind in any of my classes.  I think that'll alleviate a lot of stress later on in the semester. But speaking of staying on top of things; my house is clean for once! I've been emphasizing to my roommates how it will be easier to keep clean if we don't let dishes or clothes pile up. Just put stuff away right when you're done with it!
      I can't wait to be able to do activities comfortably outside again. It is finally nice out, and I'm hoping it stays that way. When it's nice, everyone smiles, girls look more attractive, everyone is friendlier, and class don't seem so tedious. I love it. Hopefully, I can take advantage of the weather and get some hiking or boating done, before any freak snow storms come through. Although, I am dying to hit up the mountains one last time before I say goodbye to winter. I've been a little too busy with my school work to sign up for any intramural sports, which I regret, but I'm sure I'll do some pickup basketball games in the gym to stay active.
      Overall, I'm excited to finish out this semester strong and see where I'll end up this summer. Hopefully I'll stay in FoCo if I can find a job!! 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Sophomore Connor 

I am a sophomore Health and Exercise Science student from Pennsylvania. Coming to Colorado State was one of the best decisions I've ever made, and I am enjoy every aspect of college, ups and downs.

        Second Semester is in full swing and I'm excited to be back at Colorado State. I'm taking 18 credits this semester and the workload is definitely more than I'm used to. I figured I would have to start taking more credits if I want to stay on the 4-year plan while also trying to study abroad next Spring and maintaining my business minor. The increased amount of time in class is a little bit of a pain, but what's really killing me is all the online homework and busy-work due each week, but hey, it's nothing that can't be solved by more time in the library. 

       I was thinking of getting a part-time job this semester, but I don't know if I'll have the time to make it happen this semester. My parents are probably upset about that because I need money. Even with the large course-load however, I'm very happy with where I'm at and what I'm doing. Because of this, I haven't been able to participate in as many extra-curricular activities as I'd like, but I'm still playing some recreational intramural basketball to stay in shape. It is surprisingly competitive, but fun just the same.

 Last year at this time, I was more excited to be back in Fort Collins than I am now, but that's just because I was in Fort Collins for a good portion of winter break this year. Nothing has really changed in my living situation since the beginning of the year. I still enjoy living with my roommates, but am sadly realizing that next year won't be the same and I'm going to miss living with one of my best buddies. I'm not really searching for a relationship right now, so the coming and going of Valentine's day didn't phase me, like it did for some people. As far as I was concerned, it was just another Thursday night to hangout with my friends. 
        Our basketball has been doing insanely well this year and it's been really fun going to the games with all the energy and excitement. Our home streak is increased is 27 games won in Moby in a row! It's nice to see one of our big athletic programs doing well for once. All in all, I'm having an outstanding time in my second year at Colorado State. On a scale of 1-10, I think I'm at an 7. Things are getting busy, but I will persevere. 
See ya next month

Monday, January 28, 2013

Sophomore Courtney

I am a sophomore Sociology and Social Work double major from Michigan. I love Colorado State and my favorite part of Campus is the Oval, especially in the Fall. Along with being involved on campus, I enjoy spending time outdoors and hiking the mountains!

Hello fellow second-year students, and welcome to Spring Semester! This weather is definitely making it feel more like its April already, rather than January, but I’m not really complaining! I hope that everyone had a great beginning to their semester and that you all are enjoying your classes before the homework starts to pile up! One thing that I’ve noticed about this time of year is that not only do the stresses of school begin again, but we must also start thinking about next Fall already when looking into our housing situations. It’s crazy to think that the time of year for house and apartment leasing is here yet again, I feel like I just went through it yesterday.
            And so, with this in mind, I wanted to dedicate this blog to the housing situations of second years. As CSU students, the amount of different circumstances that I have heard has been all over the place! From continuing to live on campus in the residence halls, to living within an apartment, condo, duplex, or house…people have a lot of things to choose from! I was lucky enough to begin living in a condo complex near campus that gave me the opportunity to have a basement, garage, and upstairs living area. I didn’t realize until I began to move in how much STUFF was necessary to have in moving from a residence hall to my own place. However, now that I am all settled in, the thought of moving my belongings yet again seems daunting. However, I feel that I am slowly starting to build up my arsenal of kitchen appliances and bathroom décor for when I have my big-girl house in a couple of years.
            One great thing that I have found in moving from the residence halls to a condo with a couple of my friends has been the step-up transition that occurs with each move. I had to purchase a lot of goods initially when moving into the residence hall, but my furniture and other amenities were already provided for me. During my second year, I had to begin to purchase more furniture and other household appliances, but I have been able to split many of these items with my roommates so that I have not had to buy as much. In a few years when I am looking into my own person housing, I feel that I will be prepared for the next upward transition of needing everything on my own because I have taken baby steps to get to that point so it won’t be as scary!          
            Whatever your housing situation may be, I wish you all the best in finding a residence (or remaining where you currently are) for next year! Good luck with the beginning of the semester, and make sure to start off strong! Until next time :)